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Free shipping for local orders above 1600 HKD!

Check out our hottest Summer Bundle and Offer!

Free shipping for local orders above 1600 HKD!

Check out our hottest Summer Bundle and Offer!

Free shipping for local orders above 1600 HKD!

Your Shopping Cart is empty.
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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

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SOBER Affiliate

Get ready to meet our incredible affiliates at Sober Shisha! These are the people who are absolutely passionate about all things shisha and we couldn't be prouder to have them on board.

We're constantly blown away by the dedication and passion our affiliates bring to their work. Their genuine love for shisha shines through in every piece of content they create. They're not just advocates for our brand; they're trusted sources of information and inspiration for their followers. They each have their own affiliate codes for their followers and customers. Use their codes to receive discounts and support your favourite affiliate !


But our affiliates are more than just partners - they're part of the Sober Shisha family. We value their feedback and ideas, and we work closely with them to ensure their success. They're the heart and soul of our program, bringing their own perspectives and expertise to promote Sober Shisha to their audiences.


So without further ado, we’d like to introduce our incredible affiliates below. Get ready to be inspired by their creativity and passion for all things shisha. They're the ones who are truly embracing the culture and making it their own. We're so grateful for their unwavering support and dedication to our vision.

Click on their name to visit their affiliate page! 

Gordon Fong


Vaness Fan (Wan)


Halie & Anson
